Shingal Woman #1 (In honor of Sinjar)
by Ferhad Khalil


August 2014 - Mt. Shingal(Sinjar) Genocide: multitudes of women were raped by Daesh/ISIS. Their men were massacred, and the heartache of these women endures in the present time. This painting is in honor of the suffering experienced by widows who saw their men executed in front of their eyes. Their sadness is depicted in this artwork.

Artist Information for Ferhad Khalil

Artwork Details:

Price: 50000.00
Width: 90 CentimetersHeight: 130 Centimeters
Depth: 4 CentimetersWeight: 0 kgs
Type: Painting Ed No. 1  Year: 2017
State: Original
Mediums: Charcoal, Acrylic
Substrates: Canvas
Subjects: Woman, Sad, Portrait, Female, Expressionist, Emotions, Contemporary, Artwork Series
Colors: White, Warm Highlights, Rust, Red, Gold, Coal, Cinnamon , Bronze (medium), Bronze (light), Bronze (dark), Blue (light), Blue (dark), Blue, Black and White, Black
Styles: Unique, Portraiture, Modern, Figurative, Expressionism, Contemporary, Abstract Expressionism
Shapes: (rectangle)
Artist Register #: A10690
Artwork Certification #: B322935

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