by Emma Coyle


'Succession' 2017 Painting on Canvas (152x122cm) (60x48inches) Succession is the largest painting created by Coyle. Succession represents the artists love of American Pop art of the 1960's and the drive to forward the art genre through her own ideas.

Artist Information for Emma Coyle

Artwork Details:

Price: 9750.00
Width: 60 InchesHeight: 48 Inches
Depth: 2 InchesWeight: 8 lbs
Type: Painting
State: Original
Mediums: Fabric, Acrylic
Substrates: Canvas
Subjects: Woman, Serious, Mood, Figurative, Emotions, Couple, Contemporary, Beauty
Colors: White, Red, Purple, Orange, Blue (light), Blue (dark), Blue
Styles: Pop Art, Figurative
Shapes: (rectangle)
Artist Register #: A10531
Artwork Certification #: B321953

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