Breathe of the Invisible Beast
by Luna Smith


oil painting on canvas 22.6inX33.1inX0.6in (60cmX84cmX1.5cm) Nótt is an art collection created by Scottish painter, Luna Smith, that takes the viewer on a mesmerizing journey through the endless loop of wonders. This collection of fifteen oil paintings explores the connection between the past, present, and future through symbolic imagery of the personalization of the Night from Norse mythology, and through the lens of Spirits, Goddesses, and Stones. The limited symphony of colors, with hues reminiscent of the night sky, creates a sense of depth and mystery in our Universe. Each painting is a window into a different world, where various shapes and souls come to life, inviting the viewer to discover their hidden meanings.

Artist Information for Luna Smith

Artwork Details:

Price: 2250.00
Width: 23.6 InchesHeight: 33.1 Inches
Depth: 0.6 InchesWeight: 4 lbs (approx)
Diameter: 33.1 Inches
Length: 33.1 Inches
Type: Painting Ed No. 1  Year: 2021
State: Original
Mediums: Oil
Substrates: Canvas
Subjects: Utopia, Unique, undefined, Sky, Serious, Public Art, Portrait, People, Office Art, Object Art, Nature, Mood, Memory, Fingers, Female, Expressionist, Emotions, Cool, Contemporary, Business Art, Beauty, Artwork Series, Art For Large Spaces, Abstract
Colors: White, Red, Pink, Multi Color, Magenta, Black
Styles: Unique, Surrealism, Modern, Expressionism, Contemporary, Conceptual, Abstract Expressionism, Abstract
Shapes: (rectangle)
Artist Register #: A10785
Artwork Certification #: B323367

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