Cavern of Light
by Hufreesh D Chopra


This is an extremely psychic painting. A painting filled with Light, strength and purity. It represents the inner landscape of our soul, which is like a bright cave full of light and beauty. And within it sits a being, which if you look closely you will see him sitting in blue, as if waiting for us to find Him so that he can guide us to our true destiny. Dimensions: 24” x 18”

Artist Information for Hufreesh D Chopra

Artwork Details:

Price: 850.00
Width: 24 InchesHeight: 18 Inches
Depth: 0.5 InchesWeight: 4 lbs (approx)
Type: Painting
State: Original
Mediums: Acrylic
Substrates: Canvas
Subjects: Unique, undefined, Patterns, Nature, Fire, Expressionist, Evolution, Emotions, Contemporary, Christ, Cheerful, Blissful, Beauty, Abstract
Colors: Gold-Flash, Gold, Flesh (dark), Clear, Brown (light), Bronze (dark), Blue (light), Blue
Styles: Unique, Modern, Contemporary, Abstract Expressionism, Abstract
Shapes: (rectangle)
Options: Framing
Artist Register #: A10810
Artwork Certification #: B323392

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