Sweet Taste Of Freedom
by Walter Fydryck


I compose painings with the illustrated placement of straps, release being the objective. Imagery is achieved through released straps, which are highlighted in grey tones to further seperate from the basic black straps. Connecting rings are involved to help further manipulate formations, which become positive imagery. Portraits are comprised of basic facial features, and at times, with expressive hands to portray emotional qualities. The strapping concept extends onto the side edges of the canvas.This is all accomplished with painted acrylic color on canvas which creates an intrigue that challeneges one's perception.

Artist Information for Walter Fydryck


Artwork Details:

Price: 800.00
Width: 24 selectedInchesHeight: 24 selectedInches
Depth: 1.3 selectedInchesWeight: 2 lbs
Type: Painting
State: Original
Mediums: Acrylic
Substrates: Canvas
Subjects: Fingers, Figurative, Face
Colors: White, Silver-Gray, Brown (dark), Blue, Black
Styles: Unique, Modern, Figurative, Contemporary, Conceptual
Shapes: (square)
Artist Register #: A10633
Artwork Certification #: B323737

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